Thursday, April 18, 2013

Analyzing Grease

Like oil analysis, grease sampling and analysis can provide some great information.  For high risk equipment it may be appropriate to consider adding a grease analysis strategy to your program.  Some of the key ways the analysis could be used:

1.) Root-cause or failure analysis - as noted in previous posts, most bearing failures are not due to bearings wearing out, but rather a failure of the lubrication and most bearings are grease lubricated and this would be a great tool to look for water content, external contaminates, or break down materials.
2.) Lubrication Consolidation - not all greases are compatible and sampling grease on a new machine, or unknown machines could be very valuable as you develop a consolidation plan.
3.) Wear analysis - use sampling as an early warning on bearing failure

In the January-February 2013 issue of Machinery Lubrication, Steffen Bots provided a very good overview of grease sampling and analysis that is a recommended read if you want more details on grease analysis.  You can find the article here:

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! glad to drop by your page and found these very interesting and informative stuff. Thanks for sharing, keep it up!

    - fmeca
